‘Feathers & Dreams’: 50 Artworks Up for Online Bid to Benefit Belrose Charity

Feathers & Dreams
Photo Credit: Kylie Monteleone - Rainbow Dreaming/Supplied

A remarkable selection of 50 artworks is up for bidding online to raise funds for a Belrose charity for metastatic cancer patients. The “Feathers & Dreams” exhibition features original artworks that depict feathers to symbolise “trust, honour, strength, wisdom, power and freedom.” 

Each artist involved in “Feathers & Dreams” has agreed to donate 50 percent of the sale price of their artworks during the exhibition at the gallery, diversARTy, in Cromer. Two of these artists are Clare and John, who are also metastatic cancer patients. 

“I remembered the cutest photo that my daughter had taken on the farm of this little duck. Everything just connected – a dream weekend away, and the picture of the duck, that I have painted as part of the exhibition,” Clare said.

Photo Credit: Clare Ward – Where Dreams Are Made (Bonnie)/Supplied

“Having a dream was almost like being able to start again – chemo done and new beginnings. My dream has given me awesome memories of how precious family is and how grateful I am to still be alive.” 

Gallery Director Wayne Devenny offered his full support to host this event, following his own brush with a serious illness. 

“After learning about Dreams2Live4, my wife and I thought it would be a great idea to hold an exhibition to raise awareness and funds for this amazing charity,” Devenny said, “Dreams2Live4 provides much needed respite for patients with metastatic cancer, and their families and carers. Being diagnosed with lung cancer in 2019, I know firsthand what providing these ‘dreams’ truly means,” he revealed.

Dreams2Live4 was founded in 2008 by Annie Robinson, who passed away from metastatic cancer in 2009. Annie’s experience with the disease gave her the drive to “treat the soul as well as the disease” and her legacy lives on with the Belrose charity. 

To support the artists and the charity, bid on the “Feathers & Dreams” artworks online. The exhibition will run until 30 September 2021. You may also follow Dreams2Live4 on Facebook for updates. 

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