4th Class at the end of Term 4. busy as ever!

This week, the project presentations showcased the children’s research and creativity with regards to plastic pollution, and brought our Science and Geography units of work to an end. In English, using the text Storm Boy, the children presented arguments to an imaginary council meeting as to why the vandals, who destroyed the birds’ habitat in the sanctuary, should be charged with trespassing. This activity was used as a springboard to revise persuasive texts and the children typed a persuasive letter about why birds should be better protected. We looked at the acronym A FOREST to remind us of the variety of persuasive devices that we should be using in our writing (Alliteration, Facts, Opinions, Repetition/Rhetorical questions, Emotive language, Statistics and rule of Three). In Maths we combined our length and multiplication skills by measuring our height and calculating how high we would go if we were able to jump multiples

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