2024 – Our year in the garden

Overall food waste diverted from landfill and turned into compost – Over 2 tonnes! The weight of a large SUV
Food waste collected from recess by Year 6 Garden monitors – 303kgs
Produce harvested and contributed to the kitchen – 163kgs
We were fortunate to receive grants from the Sydney Edible Garden Trail, Woolworths Junior Landcare and Northern Beaches Council, and many other product donations to help the garden grow in its first year.

Kitchen Garden Classes
This year all classes participated in one Kitchen Garden class per term. Term one focused on familiarising children with the new space. Using magnifying glasses all became qualified ‘Observologists’, learning how to look for evidence of animals, identify the plants that grew for their lunch, and learn about the different systems in the garden. Lessons finished with a demonstration on where popcorn comes from and how it is plant-based, rather than coming from a packet. There was great

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2024 – 6th Class Year in Review

This year has been fun, fast and full of fantastic events! The children have participated in many creative and exciting projects and excursions. The activities on offer were endless, and the 6th class children soaked up every opportunity.
As school leaders, the children assisted the school in many different capacities. Their leadership proved to be aligned with the School Values and a great example of maturity in their senior years. In Term One, the children signed up for many in-school clubs where they committed to fulfilling their duties as leaders of the school. The children that chose to be a part of the Sewing Club selected their patterns to embroider on a pillow, guided by the dauntless Mrs. Donald and Mrs. Layton. Several of the other clubs very quickly filled up and the children were very busy at recess, lunch and after school. A special mention to the inaugural Garden Club

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Head of School’s Comment

We had a lovely example of Service by our 5th Class students this week at the 6th Class Graduation lunch. It was a wonderful acknowledgement of the impact they have had on our school over their many years at John Colet. There is no better practical example of the Values that we were founded on than these young men and women who will leave us to go on to inspire their new schools and communities.
While we missed our trip to the seaside today, we made the most of a ‘staycation picnic day’, complete with the addition of ice creams for all to bring the beach feeling here.
I wish you and your family an enjoyable, safe and rewarding time together over the holidays and a fulfilling 2025.

Julian Wilcock
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On the vegetarian lunch menu for Week 7

Monday Lentil soup with fresh sourdough and butter
Tuesday Egg and tofu fried rice finished with sweet chili and soy
Wednesday  Year 5/6 farewell lunch. All other classes to bring packed lunch
Thursday Tomato and basil penne pasta topped with parmesan and fresh herbs
Friday Kitchen Closed for the school Picnic Day
Menu week 8
Monday Last lunch cheese and tomato pizza with fresh basil and mozzarella
(Chefs’ selection of fruits and vegetables provided daily)
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Deputy Head of School’s Comment

Today 6th class ran their yearly stalls. The children have worked hard with their teachers to organise the activities, and a really enjoyable morning was had by all. One of the special aspects of this event is that it is run almost entirely by the 6th class for the other students in the school, so it involves collaboration, planning and organisation. The money that is raised will be used to purchase a gift for the school. We have a number of such gifts in the school including the eagle at the top of the stairs, our school value banners, the herb garden and the water dispenser in one of our playgrounds. It is a lovely parting of service from 6th class each year.
Di Renshaw,
Deputy Headmistress
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Head of School’s Comment

Next week, we will determine the 6th Class Leadership Team for 2025. Interested students from 5th Class will have the opportunity to present speeches to their peers in 4th, 5th and 6th Class, as well as to staff members from across the school. Voting will be equal and anonymous, ensuring a fair process for all candidates.
To prepare, students will be given a brief period on Tuesday morning to organise their thoughts before delivering their speeches. While these presentations are a valuable way for students to demonstrate their commitment to leadership, the selection process extends beyond this event alone.
We have reminded all students that this is not a popularity contest, nor should decisions be based solely on the most polished or articulate speech. Instead, votes should reflect the values of our school and recognise those who have consistently shown fairness, maturity, and a genuine ability to represent their peers.

Julian Wilcock
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Moving up the grades

Today our current 4th Class students welcomed 2nd class children to their classrooms to give them a taste of Primary school when they enter 3rd class next year. 4N and 4H talked about some big changes 2nd class can expect as they advance from Infants to Primary (e.g. cursive writing, attending camp and the swimming carnival, Shakespeare at Glen St Theatre). They then buddied up with a 2nd class child to do a creative activity on Chromebooks. The hour went by quickly and as 4th class skillfully helped their younger buddies, we were reminded of how far they have come in the last two years. On Wednesday, 4th class will briefly visit their new teachers for the next two years – Mrs Bolaitamana and Mrs Mackenzie.
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On the vegetarian lunch menu for Week 6

Monday  Thai Style sweet potato and chickpea curry served with rice pilaf finished with mint and coriander
Tuesday  Bean nachos served with Guacamole sour cream and corn chips
Wednesday Salad wraps, carrot, cucumber, tomato and iceberg lettuce.
Thursday Vegetable puff pastry rolls served with homemade spicy tomato sauce
Friday Penne Boscaiola topped with fresh parmesan and basil
(Chefs’ selection of fruits and vegetables provided daily)
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Deputy Head’s Comment

Today 6th class are having their “Fun Day”, one of the many “lasts” for them as we move towards the end of term. This week they had their last Philosophy lesson at John Colet. They had an exercise where they had to pick a classmate’s name out of a hat and reflect on the very best about that person and write down their reflections.  They were also instructed not to write anything that they did not mean. They did not put their names to their words. These were then collected and handed out for other students to read aloud to the rest of the class. This was a beautiful exercise, and every child rose to the occasion. It was so uplifting to hear them speak so well of each other.
6th class have been outstanding in their service over the last few weeks with all the events that have been running

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Head of School’s Comment

Thank you to our Parents and Friends Association for organising a memorable Diwali Celebration last weekend. Months of behind-the-scenes preparation went into making this event a success, creating a wonderful opportunity for our families to come together and welcome friends and extended family from the wider community.
John Colet School is truly strengthened by the dedication and service of our community. Whether you have served as a Class Parent, attended an excursion, helped at events, read with our Lower 1st students, or simply offered your time when the need arose—thank you. As we reflect on 2024, many of our school’s highlights would not have been possible without your invaluable support.”In serving the best interests of children, we serve the best interests of all humanity.” — Gough Whitlam.

Julian Wilcock
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