Places in our two Lower First (Kindergarten) classes in 2021 are filling fast. If you are considering John Colet School for your child in this intake year, please get in touch without delay to secure your child’s enrolment. Headmaster Julian Wilcock will shortly begin interviews with parents for this year group.
Our next Information Event is on Thursday 28th March at 7pm. This is a great opportunity to come along and hear a short presentation on the School, ask questions and meet Mr Wilcock, teachers and student representatives.
Where places are available in older year groups, John Colet is happy to accept mid-year enrolments now.
Call our Registrar Belinda James on 9451 8395 to discuss your child’s education.
Pictured below: Lower First students playing with their 6th class buddies as they do each Friday afternoon as part of an established Peer Support program within the School.