This Term we shall be focusing on our Value of Service. Our guiding questions for our students and staff in our approach both internally and externally are:
Am I giving full attention?
Is it beautiful, well presented, and pleasing to others?
Does this action benefit everyone?
Am I setting a good example?
Is my attitude positive?
We began this week in both our Infants and Primary Assemblies with a discussion on why attention is important. The children gave some insightful answers, including:
By giving our full attention we show respect to those around us
That only with full attention can we produce our best work
If you are not giving attention you may miss an opportunity
That if you are not focussed your mind jumps from place to place and life seems messy
If you want to do your best you have to be present
Attention is something that requires effort and needs to be encouraged and developed. Our Value of Stillness