Welcome to our Open Day

Our Open Day is on Sunday 26th May, open to the public from 10 – 2pm.

It is a compulsory school day.  (Monday 27th May is a pupil-free day to recover.)
This year’s Open Day theme is The Art of Science.
We will hold our annual Cake Decorating Competition during Open Day. Adults and Children’s Categories.  Extra points for decorating your cake according to this year’s cake theme of Science in Nature.  See what AI came up with above for inspiration…

Parents help run stalls on Open Day. Your class parent will be in touch. Just an hour or so is all that is required on the day.
The day before Open Day is a working bee to decorate/set up.  8am -12 noon, Sat 25th May. Voluntary attendance, please email acoubrough@johncolet.nsw.edu.au if you would like to help.
Children’s Open Day fun activities are free ‘drop-in’ events and pre-paid, pre-booked science-themed workshops.  (More details in later school newsletters)

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